Dr Hussein Y Hazimeh

Full-time faculty member at the Faculty of Mass Communication and Fine Arts (MCFA), Al Maaref University.

Full-time faculty member at the Faculty of Mass Communication and Fine Arts (MCFA), Al Maaref University.

Hussein Hazimeh is a PhD in Data Science from the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. He finished his Masters's degree in Computer Science from the Lebanese University and the School and Engineering and Architecture (HEIA-FR) in Fribourg, Switzerland. Currently, a full-time faculty member at the Faculty of Mass Communication and Fine Arts (MCFA), Al Maaref University. He was a scientific collaborator and senior researcher at the University of Applied Sciences in Western Switzerland, HES-SO from 2016 to 2019. He published more than 25 conference and journal papers in Knowledge graphs, smart-education, social data analytics, and machine learning.